Properly crafted technical documents and product support literature are a combination of clear writing, proper utilization of photographs or illustrations, and document organization that present the information in a logical fashion.
Include verbiage here about the three areas of Technical Communication – Technical Manuals, Product Support Literature, and Technical Training and encouraging visitors to check out each section.
Technical Manuals
Technical Manuals, the dreaded “Some Assembly Required” instructions that no one ever reads until it’s too late, are a vitally important portion of any consumer or industrial product. Properly constructed manuals are a combination of clearly written instructions, proper utilization of photographs or illustrations supporting the written instructions and document organization that present the information in a logical fashion.
Technical Literature
The Integrated Solutions Group, LLC has over 35 years of experience in the preparation of technical literature. Our associates have a wide background of knowledge enabling us to work with your company in the creation of the required technical literature. We routinely work with Engineers, Sales, Marketing and Senior Management to identify the technical communication requirements faced by your company in the field. Once we have looked at all aspects, we will make recommendations on how to modify the approach currently presented by your technical literature or begin from the “ground up.”
Overload Protection
In today’s economic times, most companies are staffed to meet the routine day-to-day mountain of production requirements, whether this is in engineering, front office or production. As many of our customers have internal document production capabilities, ISG can assist your staff working on that “mountain of information” during times of high production demands. It is in this fashion that your staff can work on the daily requirements, while ISG can work on the “larger chunks” of communication materials. As an example, one of our customers manufactures industrial lawn and garden equipment. ISG utilized two tractors to build a complete unit service manual in less than 6 weeks. The customers’ communication staff reviewed the manual for accuracy of content. This review could be accomplished at the same time they were working on other projects. The sum total was that by working with ISG, our customer was able to submit a complete package of product support information to the users of the equipment faster than if they had done all of it “in-house”.
Your production needs may not require “off-loading” entire projects. Not a problem!!! ISG’s desire is to work with you in whatever capacity you might need. If you only need assistance in one area, we can do the research and writing, or illustrating, or page production, or language translation, or, or . . .. We do not have to do the entire project to be of service.
Research & Writing
Our writers will work with your staff to research the product and gather all of the important information and facts needed to be included in the publication. We can interface with all levels of corporate staff, from engineers to the CEO. Each individual can contribute extremely important information to be included in the publication.
The ISG writers will work with you and your designers to make sure that the written descriptions are accurate and on-target. Depending on the type of publication being developed, and the audience being targeted, the message will be sculpted to meet the goal and the needs of the audience.
In many cases, the text for a publication already exists, but may need to be reviewed and edited. Our writers can assist with this phase as well. We have seen many cases where the message in a manual is technically very accurate and was written by one of the project engineers. Depending on the audience, this approach may work extremely well. In others, the message may be confusing or too “techy” and may be lost on the reader. Again, the target audience information gathered in the concept and design phase is put to work. Our goal is to produce information directly usable for your customers.
This is an example of how a document we produced was initially prepared for customer use:
Chutes and Hoppers
In constructing a hopper beneath the screen make sure that the valley angles are steep enough so that the material flows freely and will not back up to contact the screen- live frame, leading to eventual breakage of the structural parts of the screen.
Design feed chutes so as to get the best possible distribution of material across the full width of the screen. Try to design the chute so that material will fall upon the screen as gently as possible. Also, employ the maximum length of the screen by feeding close to the feed end. A properly designed feed chute will pay for itself many times by reducing screen cloth wear and obtaining maximum efficiency. As in discharge chutes, make sure that the feed chute is clear of the screen live frame in all positions. Allow sufficient clearance so that live frame angle may be varied 5° either way from the original angle – also bearing in mind that it may be desirable to provide for the screen to be swung to a horizontal position for changing cloth. This is especially important if sizing requirements necessitate frequent cloth changes.
ISG reviewed the text and reconstructed the information:
Chutes and Hoppers
Design feed chutes to get the best possible distribution of material across the full width of the screen. Design the chute so:
Material will fall upon the screen as gently as possible.
Locate the feed chutes as close to the top of the screen as possible to make maximum use of the length of the screen.
Make sure that the feed chute does not contact any portion of the screen live frame or screen cloth. Prolonged contact between the feed chute and either the screen live frame or screen cloth will cause premature wear.
Allow sufficient clearance so that screen live frame angle may be varied 5° either way from the original angle.
NOTE: Design the feed and discharge chutes or bins so that the screen live frame can be rotated to a horizontal position. This will make changing the screen cloth safer and easier.
In constructing a hopper beneath the screen make sure that the valley angles are steep enough so that the material flows freely away from the screen live frame and will not back up. If a back up occurs, it will eventually lead to damage to the structural parts of the screen.
Illustrations, in many cases can convey important product features better than a photograph. An illustration can zero in on a particular item through the use of color, line weights or shading to make an important point or feature clear to the reader.
Our illustrators work closely with the writers to make sure that the illustration appropriately supports the text message. Sometimes a modification of the written message can be driven by the illustration. The illustrators may be able to accentuate a portion of the product in such a way that the description can be modified to become more impactful.
An outgrowth of developing illustrations for sales literature is the development of an archive for use in sales presentations, training presentations or other technical support publications.
Page Production
The culmination of all of the production steps that we have already discussed is the creation of the final page. Our page production staff gathers all of the various items (text, photos, illustrations, etc.) and assembles them according to the design either created in the design phase of the process or following previously established corporate guidelines.
The use of color in type or backgrounds, various type fonts, column widths and item arrangement affect the impact your publication has on the reader. Our page production associates bring their creative efforts to your assistance to complete the production process.
As we stated earlier, the generation of product support information is critical. It has to be solid and attractive, plus presenting the information in an understandable form. It is from the final production point that the presentation of your information can take different paths.
The traditional method is via printing. ISG can assist with the final printing processes by overseeing the development of final proofs and handle any press run, whether it is just a few copies or thousands. Our commitment to you is to be there to approve the press run.
However, printing today is not like it was just a short while ago. Many different processes can be utilized today. The use of short run black and white Print-On-Demand reproduction or short run full color printing presents many economies. The use of this technology enables cost effective production runs of as few as 1,000 full color copies or 5 technical manuals tailored to a specific machine. The use of standard offset lithography or web printing can fulfill the needs of larger print quantities.
ISG’s associates will be there to assure you that the image presented in the final proofs will be equaled or exceeded in the final printed image.
The final printed quantity can be shipped to your facilities or ISG can continue our assistance with a distribution plan or long term storage and drop shipment to you as needed.
Other reproduction methods are available today that can make the access to your information easier than ever. The final pages can be used as is and published on a CD or modified slightly and made accessible through your company’s web site.
Again, the Integrated Solutions Group can assist you in evaluating the best reproduction method or combination of approaches to deliver the message to your customer.
Product Support Literature
Product support literature is a relatively generic term, like Xerox is to copying or FedEx is to air freight. Product support literature includes technical manuals, sales support literature and sell sheets, catalogs, assembly instructions and even trade ads. ISG has the ability to assist you with the development of each of these.
Sales Literature
Sales literature is one of the most important communication vehicles that you use to market your products or services. In many cases, the use of an outside service can add an extremely valuable “third person” viewpoint to the process. This is the ability of a relative outsider to look at your goals, what has already been development and the direction in which your plan is moving you.
Many times, sales literature developed by an internal communications group, while produced in a very solid fashion, can begin to loose its “edge” or become one in a series of “cookie cutter” brochures. Also, many times sales literature created by internal groups allows company specific terminology to sneak into the brochures message. Over time, the message trying to be communicated to the customers begins to become confusing.
With the increasing financial pressure on companies today, the development of literature can fall onto staff members that might not have the complete capabilities or time to fulfill the task. These may be tremendously capable individuals in their given field, but do not have the training to create the proper type of communication tools to sell the companies products.
ISG has over 25 years of experience in the preparation of technical literature. Our associates have a wide background of knowledge enabling us to work with your company in the creation of the required sales support literature. We routinely work with Engineers, Sales, Marketing and Senior Management to identify the communication requirements faced by your company. Once we have looked at all aspects, we will make recommendations on how to modify the approach currently presented by your sales support literature or begin from the “ground up” with a totally new approach.
Not only can we assist with the upfront design of the sales literature approach, ISG associates can work with your staff to handle all phases of literature production.
Literature Production
Literature production is a very comprehensive term that in actuality is made up of several interlocking yet independent processes. The traditional production phases are: Concept and Design, Research and Writing, Illustrating, Photography, Page Production, and Reproduction. Each phase is detailed below.
Concept & Design
The first phase in the development of any literature is the establishment of the publications concept. The concept needs to incorporate the answers to who, what, where and why. These answers will become the backbone of how the literature will present the information necessary to convince your customers to purchase your product.
The resulting concept will drive the design aspect of the literature process. A solid design will enable the message identified in the concept phase to be delivered to your prospective customers in a concise, effective fashion. Design is a phase of literature development that is often overlooked or thought of as not really required. A proper design can often lead to the establishment of an overall look to the literature. As such, each piece of literature does not need to have a specific design created, but can follow the pattern established.
Concept and design does not have to be a complicated or costly process. Depending on your company’s requirements, a very simple plan can be developed including basic design mock-ups presenting the concept. Or, if a very comprehensive revamping of the overall approach is required, a more refined concept and plan can be developed including detailed mock-ups presenting the plans in great detail.
No matter which approach works the best for your company, ISG has the ability to assist you in this level of effort.
Research & Writing
The approved design process will establish the direction that the literature will lead in. Our writers will work with your staff to research the product and gather all of the important information and facts needed to be included in the publication. We can interface with all levels of corporate staff, from engineers to the CEO. Each individual can contribute extremely important information to be included in the publication.
The ISG writers will work with you and your designers to make sure that the written descriptions are accurate and on-target. Depending on the type of publication being developed, and the audience being targeted, the message will be sculpted to meet the goal and the needs of the audience.
In many cases, the text for a publication already exists, but may need to be reviewed and edited. Our writers can assist with this phase as well. We have seen many cases where the message in a brochure is technically very accurate, and was written by an engineer. Depending on the audience this approach may work extremely well. In others, the message may be confusing or too “techy” and may be lost on the reader. Again, the target audience information gathered in the concept and design phase is put to work. Our goal is to produce information directly usable for your customers.
Illustrations, in many cases can convey important product features better than a photograph. An illustration can zero in on a particular item through the use of color, line weights or shading to make an important point or feature clear to the reader.
Our illustrators work closely with the writers to make sure that the illustration appropriately supports the text message. Sometimes a modification of the written message can be driven by the illustration. The illustrators may be able to accentuate a portion of the product in such a way that the description can be modified to become more impactful.
An outgrowth of developing illustrations for sales literature is the development of an archive for use in sales presentations, training presentations or other technical support publications.
Your products, whether large and small, are important. A photograph can enhance the overall message and presentation of the product. Photos can show your product in use or zoom in on details to support the written word.
If new product photos are needed, ISG can assist you in numerous ways. For large or in-use product shots, we can arrange for and direct on-location photography with a professional photographer. If your product is smaller, requires special lighting or effects the use of a professional studio could be in order. Again, ISG can assist with the design and development of the sets and direct the photo shoot.
Before and After
There are times when an investment has already been made in product photography, but it will no longer totally represent today’s product. An example could be where a company has been acquired and the original product photo is a different color or requires the removal or addition of corporate identification. ISG’s artists can continue to assist. We can utilize practically any form of photographic images, electronic files to existing “reflective” photographic prints. These images can be manipulated to achieve the desired result saving the cost of reshooting the product or not using an older photograph at all.
Page Production
The culmination of all of the production steps that we have already discussed is the creation of the final page. Our page production staff gathers all of the various items (text, photos, illustrations, etc.) and assembles them according to the design either created in the design phase of the process or following previously established corporate guidelines.
The use of color in type or backgrounds, various type fonts, column widths and item arrangement affect the impact your publication has on the reader. Our page production associates bring their creative efforts to your assistance to complete the production process.
When all of the literature or training program production phases have been completed, proofs signed off on, the question of “Now What” might come up. ISG has the answer – REPRODUCE!!! The information created by our staff, whether the publication is a Brochure, Catalog, Operator’s Manual, Parts Lists, Training Program, or a Service Manual, the final step is to handle the reproduction of the information.
As we stated earlier, the generation of product support information is critical. It has to be solid and attractive, plus presenting the information in an understandable form. It is from the final production point that the presentation of your information can take different paths.
The traditional method is via printing. ISG can assist with the final printing processes by overseeing the development of final proofs and handle any press run, whether it is just a few copies or thousands. Our commitment to you is to be there to approve the press run.
However, printing today is not like it was just a short while ago. Many different processes can be utilized today. The use of short run black and white Print-On-Demand reproduction or short run full color printing presents many economies. The use of this technology enables cost effective production runs of as few as 1,000 full color copies or 5 technical manuals tailored to a specific machine. The use of standard offset lithography or web printing can fulfill the needs of larger print quantities.
ISG’s associates will be there to assure you that the image presented in the final proofs will be equaled or exceeded in the final printed image.
The final printed quantity can be shipped to your facilities or ISG can continue our assistance with a distribution plan or long term storage and drop shipment to you as needed.
Other reproduction methods are available today that can make the access to your information easier than ever. The final pages can be used as is and published on a CD or modified slightly and made accessible through your company’s web site.
Again, the Integrated Solutions Group can assist you in evaluating the best reproduction method or combination of approaches to deliver the message to your customer.
Technical Training
In today’s rapidly changing world, education is taking many twists. The cost of private education is rising at an extremely rapid rate, and publicly supported education systems are facing mounting revenue pressures as the taxing authorities the school systems rely upon have to reduce services to keep tax rates in check. The net result is that students of today, and future workers in our businesses, will need additional instruction. The old concept of “On-The-Job-Training” or “OJT” has never been more relevant than it is today.
To keep our businesses viable, we have to continually upgrade the knowledge and capabilities of not only our employee’s, but of the people who use and service our products as well. Due to our growing concern about the education issue, ISG has presented our corporate stance and commitment to training in our motto, which appears on all of our letterhead and on the very first page of this website. Out commitment is: To provide our customers with the highest quality services and to continually upgrade our services and capabilities through ongoing research of emerging technologies, and the continual investment in the growth of our employees. This statement is a commitment that we want all of our associates and customers to hold ISG accountable to and not some platitude that hides in a corporate officers’ desk drawer.
Looking at the growing need for Technical Training, the Integrated Solutions Group can step in and assist with the development of a wide variety of training programs and supporting materials. Many tools can be brought to bear on the training issue including written materials, video tapes, computer based Power Point programs and web based applications to name just a few. The following information will present levels of service that ISG can offer to your organization. ISG has created a multi-functional program called Identa-Pak that can be configured to meet your needs. Please see details of this programs capabilities by clicking on Identa-Pak.
Concept & Design
The first phase in the development of any training program is the analysis of what you need to present in your training program. This includes your companies view of where training fits into its overall goals, what is currently presented to either employees and/or customers, and both the good and not so good points of the current training programs.
ISG has the ability to review your current programs, even to the point of going through the course work like any other trainee. From this review we will be able to formulate an action plan that will detail any deficiencies that were noted and strategies to resolve these and how to capitalize on the strengths of the current program.
The resulting concept will drive the design aspect of the new training programs. A solid design will enable the message identified in the concept phase to be delivered to your trainees in a concise, effective fashion.
Design is a phase of training development that is often overlooked or thought of as not really required. A proper design can often lead to the establishment of an overall program goal, with each portion of the training program adding pieces to the training puzzle. The end goal is to empower each trainee with the knowledge to produce or repair your products properly and safely, or if you are training the users of your products, how to utilize the item to its maximum capability in a safe and efficient manner.
Research & Writing
The approved concept and design process will establish the direction that the training program will consist of. Our writers will work with your staff to research the product and gather all of the important information and facts needed to be included in the training program. As needed, we can interface with all levels of corporate staff, from engineers to the CEO. Each individual can contribute extremely important information to be included in the program.
The ISG writers will work with you and your designers to make sure that the written descriptions are accurate and on-target. Depending on the type of training being developed, and the audience being targeted, the message will be sculpted to meet the goal and the needs of the audience.
In many cases, the text for a training program already exists, but may need to be reviewed and edited. Our writers can assist with this phase as well. We have seen many cases where the message in a program is technically very accurate, but was written by an engineer. Depending on the audience this approach may work extremely well. In others, the message may be confusing or too “techy” and may be lost on the reader. Again, the target audience information gathered in the concept and design phase is put to work. Our goal is to produce information directly usable for your customers.
Another function of the writer is to conform the text of the training program to the presentation medium. If the program is to be presented as a self-paced manual or slide program approach, a more detailed written presentation needs to be developed. If the program will be a video, additional emphasis will be placed on the visuals being presented so that they support the spoken text.
Video training programs benefit from the concept of “knowledge compression”. This means that the program can present more information to the trainee in a shorter time frame than with other training methods. This effect is extremely beneficial when the training is taking place in the work place.
If the training plan includes an evaluation phase, the writer will also develop the testing portion of the program.
Illustrations in many cases can convey important information better than a photograph. An illustration can zero in on a particular item through the use of color, line weights or shading to make an important point or feature clear to the trainee. Animation sequences can also be created in this section of the company.
Our illustrators work closely with the writers to make sure that the illustration appropriately supports the programs message. Sometimes a modification of the written message can be driven by the illustration. The illustrators may be able to accentuate a portion of the product in such a way that the description can be modified to become more impactful.
In many cases, the investment made in illustrations used in other areas, such as Operator’s or Service manuals, can be capitalized on. The illustrations can be used as-is or slightly modified to meet the needs of the training program. This approach will drive down the cost of the training program development.
Video training programs require that the illustrations be created in a slightly different aspect ratio, meaning that the illustration needs to be created in a format that will fit on a television screen. The colors and text used within the illustration need to be chosen with care so they are presented clearly after the program has been duplicated.
Photography - Videography
Depending on the training approach selected, photography, be it still photos or video, can convey more information in one view than a full chapter in a manual. As such, a visual image is a much needed portion of any training program.
Still Photography
If new product photos are needed, ISG can assist you in numerous ways. For large or in-use product shots, we can arrange for and direct on-location photography with a professional photographer. If your product is smaller, requires special lighting or effects the use of a professional studio could be in order. Again, ISG can assist with the design and development of the sets and direct the photo shoot.
There are times when an investment has already been made in product photography, but it will no longer totally represent today’s product. An example could be where a company has been acquired and the original product photo is a different color or requires the removal or addition of corporate identification. ISG’s artists can continue to assist. We can utilize practically any form of photographic images, electronic files to existing “reflective” photographic prints. These images can be manipulated to achieve the desired result saving the cost of reshooting the product or not using an older photograph at all.
Video Training Program
Video training programs require a totally different photographic ability. If your program is relatively simple, ISG associates can light and shoot all required footage. For more aggressive programs, we have worked with a variety of video production companies that offer a wide array of ancillary and advanced capabilities.
When all of the video footage has been captured, an ISG associate will direct the post-production narration and editing. This will assure you that the program is produced to meet the requirements of the approved script and program plan.
Program Production
The culmination of all of the production steps that we have already discussed is the creation of the final program. Our program production staff gathers all of the various items (text, photos, illustrations, etc.), assembles them according to the program script and creates the required program attributes.
Final program production varies greatly with the choice of presentation method. Programming for Power Point presentations varies from simple slide changes from one scene to another, to text and visual elements appearing in coordination with the narrated script.
Video production techniques vary widely and would require a tremendous amount of explanation. Suffice it to say that through the use of video, the sky is the limit with your training program. The simplicity or complexity of the program will be the driving force behind the type of video program production entered into. ISG has produced programs where the customer has provided the raw footage that was shot in their facility by their own people and which we have edited to meet the needs of their script. In other programs, we have traveled around the country with a film crew capturing footage in multiple plant locations.